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what we offer?

Our team of experts provide a range of consulting services, including commissioned research and independent evaluations to determine the impact of your specific wellbeing initiatives and interventions. We are open to work with community organisations, industry, NGO’s and government.

Our consulting & evaluation services

Independent evaluation 
services We partner with organisations who look for cost-effective, independent evaluation partners who have the capability and background to help settle complex questions. Literature & peer 
reviews We help organisations with narrative, scoping or systematic evidence reviews on mental health, health or workplace wellbeing topics. Evidence based mental health & wellbeing advice We consult to organisations, NGO's and government on mental health and wellbeing and have a proven track record across a diverse range of public sector and corporate audiences. Qualitative research We can help organisations who want to use focus groups and interviews to answer their in-depth research questions .

Past organisations we have consulted

Our current research

Research lies at the core of Be Well Co. We not only rigorously evaluate our own solutions, we actively conduct academic research on mental health and wellbeing, and advance knowledge on the importance of investing in mental health and wellbeing for everyone.